Ever had a meeting and then read in the minutes that things were recorded and agreed upon differently than you thought or wanted? With MinuteTrack, that's a thing of the past. Because then you can watch live with the note taker from your phone, tablet, or laptop and give direct feedback. This way, no one is surprised and everyone knows exactly what has been agreed upon and recorded.
Taking minutes during a meeting
Minute-taking has never been so easy, fun, and structured!

Live Viewing

After your meeting, decide whether to share the minutes and/or just the tasks. Sharing is easy and fast, with both external and internal participants of the meeting. You can easily hide your private notes in the minutes so other participants don't see them.

Which meeting was it? What had we decided? Search quickly and easily in the archive for previous meetings, minutes, and appointments. You can also link a reference number, project number, or name to a meeting, making searching even easier.

Determine the chairpersonal and note taker for your meeting. Easily add participants, of people who are not present at the meeting, but need to be informed. Are there topics that do not need or should not be included in the minutes? Then set these rules to private, so they are not included in the final minutes.

When you send minutes of your meeting to participants inside as well as outside your company, it is necessary to clarify who the sender is. Therefore it is useful to adjust the minutes to your own corporate identity. You can easily adapt this on the desktop version of the platform.

Documents are often discussed or referred to during meetings. Easily add these to the topic of your meeting. Once the meeting is over, these documents become visible to all participants, so everyone always has the correct documents. Efficiency at its best!
Frequently asked questions
MinuteTrack is designed for structured meetings and minute-taking. We believe that a clear decision list is much more efficient than extensive minutes that are (almost) never reread. Our software is tailored for this: discuss relevant agenda items, make decisions, and briefly and concisely record them in the decision list. All participants automatically receive their own actions in their task list. This way, you truly make progress and endless meetings become a thing of the past!
Complete minutes
Other meeting participants can watch in real-time/live what is being minuted, so you can immediately ensure the creation of complete minutes, leaving little to no work after the meeting!
Complete agendas
With meeting series, you assign your agenda to the next meeting, ensuring no information gets lost.
Automatic task list
MinuteTrack ensures that actions from meetings automatically appear in your task list. You can find them under my tasks, from where you can easily pick them up. Once completed, this is also reflected in the minutes and they won't carry over to subsequent meetings, allowing you to focus on only the relevant actions during the meeting.
Tracking of changes
Quickly see what has changed during a meeting series in the minutes, actions, and decisions made. This prevents disputes and allows you to precisely track the progress of a project.
Je kunt MinuteTrack uit zowel de App Store van Apple downloaden als de Play Store van Android. De app is in deze stores beschikbaar voor mobiel en tablet. Daarnaast hebben we ook een webversie. Je kunt MinuteTrack dus ook vanuit de browser gebruiken.