Je privacy staat bij ons hoog in het vaandel. Ons platform maakt gebruik van geavanceerde beveiligingsfuncties om ervoor te zorgen dat jouw gegevens en persoonlijke informatie te allen tijde veilig is en niet in verkeerde handen valt.
MinuteTrack Security
Alle data is bij ons veilig en privé.

Strict Privacy Standards
We comply with strict privacy rules and standards. Your data is processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the protection of personal data. We attach great importance to transparency and respecting your rights.

Secure Accounts
Your accounts are in safe hands with us. We use advanced technologies, including 'bcrypt', to encrypt passwords. This guarantees that only authorized persons have access to your account. Your data, therefore, remain private and secure.

SSL Encryption
All data transferred between your devices and our servers are protected with SSL encryption. This ensures that your data is safe during transmission, allowing you to work and communicate via our platform with peace of mind.

Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA/MFA) for extra security of your accounts. 2FA/MFA adds an extra layer of security, ensuring only authorized users with the correct credentials can access the platform. We are constantly striving to improve the security and protection of your personal data.
Frequently asked questions
MinuteTrack is designed for structured meetings and minute-taking. We believe that a clear decision list is much more efficient than extensive minutes that are (almost) never reread. Our software is tailored for this: discuss relevant agenda items, make decisions, and briefly and concisely record them in the decision list. All participants automatically receive their own actions in their task list. This way, you truly make progress and endless meetings become a thing of the past!
Complete minutes
Other meeting participants can watch in real-time/live what is being minuted, so you can immediately ensure the creation of complete minutes, leaving little to no work after the meeting!
Complete agendas
With meeting series, you assign your agenda to the next meeting, ensuring no information gets lost.
Automatic task list
MinuteTrack ensures that actions from meetings automatically appear in your task list. You can find them under my tasks, from where you can easily pick them up. Once completed, this is also reflected in the minutes and they won't carry over to subsequent meetings, allowing you to focus on only the relevant actions during the meeting.
Tracking of changes
Quickly see what has changed during a meeting series in the minutes, actions, and decisions made. This prevents disputes and allows you to precisely track the progress of a project.
Je kunt MinuteTrack uit zowel de App Store van Apple downloaden als de Play Store van Android. De app is in deze stores beschikbaar voor mobiel en tablet. Daarnaast hebben we ook een webversie. Je kunt MinuteTrack dus ook vanuit de browser gebruiken.